Gap Up Blog

The Gap Up Blog


Author: Team Gap Up

How to Open a Demat Account – A Step-by-Step Guide

All Posts, Education

The Demat full form stands for a Dematerialised Account. Are you trying to open a Demat account?...
Read More Read More: How to Open a Demat Account – A Step-by-Step Guide

Monopoly Stocks – A Detailed Guide

All Posts, Stock Market

An investment comes with numerous choices and risks, and to withstand the economic environment without affecting the waves of market...
Read More Read More: Monopoly Stocks – A Detailed Guide

Sideways Market: Characteristics, Causes and Strategies

All Posts, Education, Stock Market

In this article, we will take a look at what a sideways market is and explore the strategy and indicators of a sideways market. But before...
Read More Read More: Sideways Market: Characteristics, Causes and Strategies

Best Books on Trading and Stock Market

All Posts, Stock Market, Trading

Thе stock markеt is a dynamic and constantly evolving marketplace whеrе tradеrs must stay...
Read More Read More: Best Books on Trading and Stock Market

Everything You Need to Know About Equity Trading

All Posts, Trading

Are you a beginner looking for a guide to equity trading? Are you confused by all the buzz around it? How does equity trading differ from...
Read More Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Equity Trading

Candlestick Patterns Every Trader Should Know

All Posts, Education

As investors, you may be struggling with technical analysis, believing it is hardcore finance stuff. But believe us, technical analysis is...
Read More Read More: Candlestick Patterns Every Trader Should Know

Bullish and Bearish – All You Need to Know

All Posts, Education, Trading

As a stock investor bearish and bullish are terms that you come across regularly. Given the fact...
Read More Read More: Bullish and Bearish – All You Need to Know